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词汇 tested
例句 I'll have my sight tested tomorrow.我明天去检查视力。The cars are routinely tested for safety and reliability before leaving the factory.汽车出厂前都要作安全性和可靠性的例行测试。In this country, all donated blood is tested before it is used.在这个国家,所有捐献的血液在使用前都经过检测。Debbie has to have her eyes tested.黛比得去检查眼睛。The experiment tested how various metals behave under heat and pressure.实验测试了不同金属在高温和高压下的反应。We tested a selection of vacuum cleaners, from old faithfuls to those with the latest features.我们测试了各种真空吸尘器,从值得信赖的老牌子到有着最新特色的产品,不一而足。They tested the campers for Lyme disease.他们为露营者检测莱姆病。Allegedly some of their products are tested on animals.据说,他们的一些产品被用在动物身上做试验。Students will be tested from fifth grade up.五年级以上的学生都要进行测试。He's been tested for diabetes.他作了糖尿病检查。When she tested the recorder she could find no fault with it.她测试录音机时并没有发现什么毛病。I hope you're paying attention, because you'll be tested later.我希望你们注意听,因为之后要测试。He had his sight tested by a doctor.他让医生给他检查了视力。The bomb was tested on a missile range in the desert.在沙漠中的导弹试验场进行了炸弹试爆。These nuts have been market tested and found to be most suited to the Australian palate.这些坚果已经做过市场测试,结果发现它们最合澳大利亚人的口味。The long journey tested their courage and endurance to the limit.长途跋涉考验了他们的勇气和耐力的极限。This car got better gas mileage than the others we tested.这辆车的汽油里程数高于我们测试的其他车辆。This has tested our marriage, and we have come through it stronger than ever.这是对我们婚姻的考验,我们经受住了考验而且关系比以往任何时候都更稳固了。Bake the fish until it flakes easily when tested with a fork.把鱼烤到用叉子一碰就散成小块的程度。All subjects were tested for perfect hearing before the experiment began.在实验开始前,所有接受实验者都先做了听力健全测试。We only handle cosmetics that have not been tested on animals.我们只经营未在动物身上做过试验的化妆品。The embryos were tested to determine their sex prior to implantation.在移植前对胚胎作了检测以确定其性别。He had drifted through life with the advantage of wealth, never tested by adversity.他一生富裕,过得轻轻松松,从未经受贫苦的考验。The new tank has yet to be tested in the field.这种新型坦克还有待在战场上经受考验。Two of the athletes tested positive for illegal drugs.两名运动员违禁药物检测结果呈阳性。There were times when my temper was sorely tested.有些时候我的脾气真是受到很大的考验。Vaccines are still in the process of being tested out.疫苗尚在试验过程中。None of this range of cosmetics has been tested on animals.这一系列的化妆品都没有在动物身上做过试验。Neither player was seriously tested in the contest.两名选手在比赛中都没有受到严峻考验。Her love for him was being tested to its limits.她对他的爱经受着极其严峻的考验。The water should be tested for lead.这水要检测含铅量。The students tested out their cost-cutting ideas in several companies.学生们在几家公司试验了他们降低成本的构想。He tested positive for HIV.他艾滋病病毒测试呈阳性。The new drugs have not yet been tested in the field.新药尚未经过临床检验。That lecture really tested my powers of endurance, it was so boring.那个讲座简直是在考验我的忍耐力,实在太枯燥了。When he tested an early vaccine on himself, some described the act as foolhardy.他在自己身上试验一种初期疫苗时,有人说他蛮干。The doctor tested his ears.医生检查他的耳朵。Some creams we tested failed to give adequate protection against UV light.我们检测的有些防晒霜不能提供足够的防紫外线保护。Twelve potential vaccines are currently being tested on human volunteers.目前有十二种可能的疫苗正在人类志愿者身上进行试验。I tended to stick to tried and tested techniques.我倾向于相信经实验证明可行的技术。




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