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词汇 tent
例句 There were frightening noises outside my tent.我的帐篷外面传来吓人的响声。They struck the tent.他们把帐篷拆了。We pitched our tent near the beach.我们在沙滩附近搭起了帐篷。Mom wants to know if you guys still have that two-person tent.妈妈想知道你们是否还有那顶双人帐篷。The tent is made of strong canvas attached to a rigid frame.帐篷是用结实的帆布系在坚固的支架上搭起来的。In a tent an old gypsy woman was reading palms.帐篷里,一个吉普赛老妇人正在给人看手相。We anchored the tent to a huge stone.我们将帐篷系在一块大石头上。They ran to the center of the tent to take their bows.他们跑到帐篷中央鞠躬致意。These tent ropes are too slack - they need tightening.这些帐篷绳太松了——需要把它们紧一紧。The show ended in disaster when the tent collapsed.帐篷倒塌,演出以灾难收场。I hurried to the tent and grabbed a few clean, if rumpled, clothes.我赶紧跑到帐篷里,抓起了几件虽然有些皱,但是很干净的衣服。Our tent represents home to us when we go camping.外出野营时,帐篷就是我们的家。Mike and Lee were trying to erect the tent.迈克和李在试着搭帐篷。If your idea of a camping trip is a leaky tent and cold baked beans, forget it!你要是认为野营旅行就是漏雨的帐篷加上冷冰冰的烤豆子,那可就全错了!We all had to sleep in one tent and it was a laugh a minute.我们大家都得睡在一个帐篷内,真是好玩极了。We took down the tent and packed all the gear away.我们拆下帐篷,把所有的用具都打包带走。They slung the tent up in the corner of the field.他们在田野的一角搭起帐篷。Achilles sits in his tent, brooding over the wrongs done to him.阿喀琉斯坐在帐篷里,默默地想着自己的冤屈。I stuck my head out of my tent, and came face to face with a cow.我将脑袋探出帐篷,与一头牛面面相对。None of us had the foggiest idea about how to put the tent up.我们都对搭帐篷一窍不通。The boys were erecting a tent under the direction of their scoutmaster.男孩们正在童子军团长的指导下搭建一顶帐篷。One of the tent stays has come loose.帐篷的一根牵索松脱了。The tent flap was pegged open.帐篷的门帘被掀开固定住。The general posted a guard outside the door to his tent.将军在帐篷门外安排了一名警卫站岗。We suddenly noticed there was a split in the side of the tent.我们突然注意到帐篷的侧面有道裂缝。Emerson rushed out of the tent with such precipitation that he almost fell.埃默森急匆匆冲出帐篷以至于差点摔倒。We had to hold the tent down with rocks to stop it blowing away.我们只好用石块将帐篷压住免得被吹走。The tent has two vents on each side.帐篷的每一边有两个通风孔。The children could not settle on where to put their tent.孩子们拿不定主意把帐篷搭在哪里。Her fingers were too cold to lace the tent flap.她手指都冻僵了,无法系紧帐篷的帘子。We will pitch the tent here.我们将在这儿搭起帐篷。When we packed up the tent in the morning, he showed me bear tracks, saying " That was a close one!"我们早上收帐篷的时候,他一边让我看熊的足迹,一边说:“好险!”Our tent won't stand another storm like the last one.我们的帐篷经受不起像上次那样的风暴了。We settled into our tent.我们安然呆在帐篷里。He glared at the people who surrounded the tent.他怒视着围在帐篷周围的人。We rigged up a tent with an old blanket.我们用旧毛毯草草搭成帐篷。Take the time to find the right spot to pitch your tent.别着急,找一个合适的地方支帐篷。When they go on holiday, they usually sleep in a tent.他们外出度假时,通常睡在帐篷里。Our tent represents home for us when we are camping.野营时,帐篷就是我们的家。The tent is extremely stable even in very high winds.即便在很强的风中帐篷也极为牢固。




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