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词汇 tender
例句 After due consideration, I have decided to tender my resignation.经过适当的考虑,我决定递交辞呈。My arm was very tender after the injection.打针后我的胳膊一碰就疼。His shirt was too small for him and cut into the tender flesh at his armpit.这件衬衣对他来说太小了,紧勒着他腋部的嫩肉。Treat any tender points by massaging.用按摩法治疗疼痛部位。Our bid was the lowest tender.我们投标的价格是最低的。Steam or microwave the vegetables until tender.将蔬菜上锅蒸或用微波炉加热,直至变软。The little girl spoke to her doll in tender accents.那小女孩用温柔的声调和她的玩具娃娃讲话。Helen’s appreciation for Pat is clear by the tender look she gives her.海伦对帕特的欣赏,从她看她的温柔目光就能明白。The contract for building the houses will be put out to tender.这些房屋的建造合约将对外招标。It is hard to have the tender situation in hand.这样微妙的局势很难控制。He felt a sudden tender pity for her.他突然涌起一股对她的温柔怜悯之情。Cook the pasta until it is just tender.意大利面条煮到变软即可。The pork chops were tender and moist.那些猪排细嫩多汁。The back of my neck feels very tender.我的脖颈儿一碰就痛得要命。The chain cut into his tender flesh.链子勒进了他的细嫩肌肤中。Her bruised knee is still tender.她受了瘀伤的膝盖仍然一碰就痛。He was tender of hurting other people's feelings.他生怕伤害别人的感情。A few tender shoots had started to appear.一些嫩芽开始长出来了。They eat grasses, leaves, and tender shoots.它们吃青草、树叶和嫩枝。He has a tender ego.他有着脆弱敏感的自尊。He is full of tender solicitude towards my sister.他对我妹妹满心牵挂。My feet are really tender.我的双脚生疼。He felt tender and loving towards / toward her.他对她满心柔情蜜意。Some services are now compulsorily put out to tender.现在,有些服务项目必须进行招标。Education departments in all the prisons are being put out to tender.现在正在对所有监狱的教管部门进行招标。This area is always tender to the touch if the intestines are not functioning properly.如果肠功能不正常,这个部位碰一下就会感到疼痛。She talks breathlessly, in a tender, confiding tone.她以一种温柔倾诉的口吻气喘吁吁地说着。The swollen side of my jaw is still tender.我下巴肿起的一边仍然一碰就痛。Now I'm going to press down on several places around your knee, and you tell me when it feels tender.现在我要按压你膝部周围的几处地方,哪里痛就告诉我。I left him to the tender mercies of his mother.我就任由他妈妈收拾他了。Steam the carrots until they are just beginning to be tender.将胡萝卜蒸至刚好变软。The firm's tender for the supply of coal has been accepted.那家商号的供煤投标已被接受。Cook for a minimum of 2 hours, or until the meat is tender.至少煮两个小时,或一直煮到肉变烂为止。She was tender and loving with her new child.她对自己刚出生的孩子呵护备至、关爱有加。The beef ate surprisingly tender.那牛肉吃上去嫩极了。We have put the construction of the buildings out to tender.我们已经为这些楼房的承建进行了招标。Their garden is in need of a little tender loving care.他们的花园需要点精心照料。The beef was good, but it wasn't as tender as the chicken.牛肉好吃,但没有鸡肉那么嫩。The building of the new school will go out to tender.新校的建设将对外招标。Her voice was low and tender.她的声音很低很温柔。




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