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词汇 teams
例句 Both teams slogged it out, knowing the next scorer would more than likely win the title.两队在竭力奋战,他们知道下一个进球者将很有可能赢得冠军。The teams are evenly matched.两个队难分伯仲。Friday is an off day to give both teams a chance to rest before the weekend games.星期五没安排比赛,让两支队伍在周末比赛前有机会休息。The paper sent out several teams of reporters to follow the progress of the war.这家报社派出了好几个记者团跟进报道战事。The teams are battling for the last play-off spot.这些球队正在争夺季后赛的最后一个席位。The worst-ever defeat of this team proved once again that Stanford can be one of the most explosive offensive teams in the country.该队前所未有的惨败再次证明斯坦福队是国内最具爆发力的进攻型队伍之一。Both teams are well-off for good players.两支球队都有许多优秀的球员。When baseball was in its rudimentary stages, different teams played by different rules.棒球运动发展早期,不同的球队按照不同的规则进行比赛。The group of death has three teams - Arsenal, Napoli and Dortmund - who could all potentially win the tournament.死亡之组中的三只球队:阿森纳、那不勒斯和多特蒙德,都有希望夺冠。It was a memorable game between two evenly balanced teams.那是在势均力敌的两个队之间的一场难忘的比赛。Their players were all rejects from other teams.他们的队员都是别的队淘汰下来的人。Of all the teams participating in the competition, I think the Oxford team will bear off the palm.在所有参赛队中,我认为牛津队将得胜。Pub quiz teams often have really silly names.智力竞赛队伍往往都取了很傻的名字。It's been a long time since these two teams faced each other in the playoffs.这两个队已经有很长时间没在复赛中相遇了。Companies are employing more research teams to get an edge.公司都在雇用更多的研究小组以占据优势。I bet we could lick the best teams in Georgia.我敢打赌我们能打败佐治亚州最强的队。The two teams were even Steven at the end.最后两队打成平局。The teams belong to a combine that scouts new players.这些球队同属于一个物色新球员的联盟组织。They formed two teams, leaving one odd player.他们组成两个球队,多出一位运动员。The competition began with one of the teams being disqualified.比赛开始时一支球队被取消了参赛资格。Rescue teams searched among the wreckage for survivors.救援队在残骸中搜寻幸存者。This season Italian teams are shedding the constipated style of play that predominates at home.意大利队在这个赛季中摆脱了主场作战时放不开手脚的打法。The teams are all square at 1 match each.两队各赢一场,势均力敌。New teams won't be admitted to the league if their stadiums don't pass muster.如果他们的体育馆达不到标准的话,新队是不能参加联赛的。The teams responded magnificently to the challenge.各队都非常出色地应对了挑战。The teams will once again face each other in the play-offs.这些球队将在季后赛中再次对阵。We'll lick the other teams.我们将一举击败其他球队。Both teams played good full-blooded football.两队踢出了激情四溢的精彩足球。Both teams played a clean game.参赛双方均能遵循比赛规则。A record number of teams have entered the event.报名参赛的队空前地多。Heavy seas prevented salvage teams from landing on the wreck.巨浪使海上救援队无法登上失事船只残骸。The two top teams have ten points apiece.排名最高的两支球队各积十分。Both teams had trouble with the difficult playing conditions.两个队都不适应这种糟糕的比赛环境。He scares teams to death with his pace and power.他的步伐之快、力量之强都让其他队胆战不已。Tempers began to fray as the two teams failed to score.两支球队都未能进球得分,观众情绪开始烦躁起来。The two teams are very evenly matched.两支球队实力非常接近。The two teams jousted for first place.两队争夺第一。The players were all rejects from other teams.这些队员都是从其他队淘汰下来的不合格者。There was an intense rivalry between the Brazilian and Italian teams.巴西队和意大利队竞争极为激烈。Both teams are primed for battle and ready to play.两队都为比赛做好了准备。




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