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词汇 teacher
例句 The teacher towered menacingly above him.老师居高临下地对着他,叫他害怕。The teacher terrified her so much, that she hated going to school.老师把她吓得都不愿去上学了。She's the most popular teacher in school.她是学校里最受欢迎的老师。The teacher dictated in English to the class.教师给班上学生做英语听写。The pupils wrote at their teacher's dictation.学生按照老师的口述写下来。My teacher rejected my excuse for being late.我的老师不肯相信我的迟到理由。She didn't strike me as the type who would want to become a teacher.她给我的感觉不像是想当老师的人。A teacher needs to have a lot of patience.做老师需要很有耐心。Maddy's teacher says she's one of the smartest kids in the class.玛蒂的老师说,她是班上最聪明的孩子之一。The overseas teacher said her Chinese colleagues were friendly toward her.那位外籍教师说她的中国同事对她很友善。Our teacher drilled the lesson into our heads.老师通过反复练习使我们牢牢掌握课文。Some of the students were just parroting what the teacher said.一些学生只是鹦鹉学舌般地重复老师说过的话。A teacher's job is relatively safe, even if they perform under par in the classroom.教师的职业相对稳定,即使他们的课上得不怎么好。The teacher is reading John's history paper.老师正在批阅约翰的历史考卷。The kids always misbehave when they have a substitute teacher.孩子们遇到代课教师上课时总要捣蛋。The teacher gave me a scowl when I walked in late.我迟到走进教室时,老师瞪了我一眼。The teacher praised him for his anxiety for knowledge.老师称赞他求知欲强。If the teacher feels under par, the children are likely to suffer.如果老师感觉不在状态,孩子们就有可能遭罪。John is down on his teacher because she gave him a low grade.约翰因老师给他打低分而恨她。The students turned loose on their teacher.学生们对他们的老师畅所欲言。The teacher was not very pleased when he found a dead mouse on his desk.老师发现自己的办公桌上有只死老鼠,很是恼火。Our new teacher's a joke - he can't even control the class.我们的新老师有点儿荒唐可笑——他连课堂都控制不了。The teacher continued only when all the students were sitting quietly in their seats.当所有学生都在安静地坐在座位上以后,老师才继续讲课。He embarked on a new career as a teacher.他开始了教书的新生涯。Her new piano teacher has really brought her on.她的新钢琴老师确实让她提高了。The teacher did not explain its grammatical function.老师没有解释它的文法功能。My Spanish teacher will point out errors, but we have to make the corrections ourselves.我的西班牙语老师会指出错误,但我们得自己改正。The teacher frowned the child down when he kept repeating his request.孩子一遍又一遍提要求时,老师皱起眉头使他不敢再出声了。She was a tough and demanding teacher, but she has mellowed in her old age.她曾是一位严厉而苛刻的老师,但年老时就变得随和了。In my early twenties, I applied for my first job as a teacher.我二十出头的时候,应聘第一份工作,就是当老师。The report spelled out in detail what the implications were for teacher training.这份报告详细说明了教师培训的意义。Not surprisingly, her teacher is getting irritated with her.不出所料,她的老师对她有点恼火了。The letter that came this morning is from my teacher of English.今天上午递到的信是我英语老师寄来的。He was now a teacher and a respectable member of the community.他现在是一位教师,并且是社区内受人尊敬的一员。Formerly he worked on a farm, but now he's a teacher.以前他在农场工作,但现在当教师。Her teacher gave her a letter of reference.老师为她写了一封推荐信。It is not advisable to befriend your boss, or your teacher.在网络社交平台上把自己的老板或者老师添加为好友是不太明智的。She's hoping to retrain as a teacher.她希望接受再培训当老师。We all liked the old teacher better.我们都更喜欢以前的那位老师。He's a tough teacher who won't take crap from anyone.他是个强硬的老师,谁的账也不买。




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