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He stretched a large tarpaulin over the vehicle, tying it down at the corners.他把一块很大的防水帆布拉开盖在车上,把几个角系牢。Hobbs seized the end of the tarpaulin and yanked it off.霍布斯抓住防水帆布的一头,猛地拉开。Between us, we managed to fasten the tarpaulin down.我们合力将防水帆布罩扎牢。The gun is housed under a tarpaulin cover.枪用防水油纸包好收了起来。At least the tarpaulin will keep the rain off.至少防水油布能遮雨。When it rained I rigged up a partial shelter with a tarpaulin.下雨时,我用防水油布草草搭了一个可勉强遮雨的棚子。 |