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词汇 talk up
例句 He's being talked up as the next big pop star.他被誉为下一个流行音乐巨星。If we talk up the event, people will come.如果我们把这事好好宣传一下,人们一定会来的。Tom isn't afraid to talk up when he disagrees with the teacher.汤姆不同意老师的看法时敢直言不讳。You'll have to talk up a bit, we can't hear you.你得讲响一些,我们听不见。The principal papers talked up his latest novel.几家主要报纸大肆宣传他最新出版的小说。Will you talk up a bit?你再大声一点好吗? We talked up late that night.那天晚上我们热烈谈论到深夜。Jones talked up the idea at the meeting.琼斯在会议上大肆吹捧了这个想法。The salesperson talked up the car's safety features.销售人员说这辆车的安全性能很好。He will use the chance of appearing on television to talk up his latest book.他将利用在电视上露面的机会宣传自己最新出版的书。




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