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例句 She sometimes takes advantage of her pliable parents.有时她会利用自己易受摆布的父母。The form the human family takes is a response to environmental pressures.人类的家庭形式是为了应对来自生存环境的压力。It takes a few months to settle into life at college.适应大学生活需要几个月时间。He takes a cut of the profits.他获得了一份利润。Education takes on an added importance at a time of economic uncertainty.在经济不稳定时期教育显示出格外重要的意义。A successful businessman always takes the bull by the horns.一位成功的生意人总是不畏艰难,勇敢地面对问题。The trouble with lasagne is that it takes so long to make.做意大利卤汁面条的麻烦之处在于花费的时间太长。The band takes on a whole new persona when they perform live.乐队现场表演时形象全新。It takes courage and strength to climb up the perpendicular cliff.攀上这悬崖峭壁需要勇气和力量。It takes me some time to sort out my thoughts before I can start writing.下笔以前,我得花些时间理清思路。It takes a serious crisis to wake people up.一场严重的危机才能唤起人们的关注。She really takes after her mother. They seem like sisters.她实在很像她母亲。她们看起来就像姊妹般。All it takes is a rub with a clean dry cloth.只需拿块干净的干布擦一擦。Please look what time the plane takes off.请留心飞机起飞时间。He takes the idea of personal freedom as his point of departure.他将人身自由这一观点作为他的出发点。To forge a blade takes great skill.锻制刀片需要高超的技巧。The entire family takes part in cleaning the house.全家都参与房屋清扫。She takes her dog for a range every afternoon.她每天下午牵著狗闲逛。When events happen that shake these beliefs, our fear takes control.当一些事情的发生动摇这些信念时,恐惧就会占据我们的心灵。He is the fair-haired boy at the office and often takes work home with him.他是办公室里的积极分子,常常把工作带回家去做。It takes great discipline to learn a musical instrument.学习乐器需要高度的自律能力。The secretary takes shorthand. 秘书用速记做记录。A good pool player takes time deciding which shot to play.一个优秀的台球选手会从容考虑击哪个球。When my sister and I fight, our dad always takes her side.我和妹妹打架时,爸爸总是偏袒她。It takes a bit of nerve to cross these chain bridges.过这种铁索桥要有点胆量才行。One revolution of the earth around the sun takes a year.地球绕太阳运行一周需一年时间。She takes offense at any criticism.她听到任何批评都会生气。A story from the basal reader usually takes three days to teach.基础读物中一个故事通常需要教三天。Housework takes up most of my time in the evenings.晚上,做家务占用了我大部分时间。My car takes diesel and my wife's runs on petrol.我的车烧柴油,我妻子的车用汽油。He takes umbrage against anyone who criticises him.不管谁批评他,他都会生气。It takes a brave cook to depart radically from the traditional Christmas menu.一个厨师要彻底颠覆传统的圣诞节菜肴是需要很大勇气的。It takes many years of training to be a doctor.要成为一名医生需要多年时间的培养。It often takes years for immigrants to be accepted into the host community.移民经常需要几年的时间才会被当地社区所接纳。The symptoms are very mild and it takes an expert eye to see them.症状非常轻,要靠专家的眼睛才能看出来。Staying in my old bedroom again takes me back to my childhood.回到我以前的卧室使我回忆起童年时光。She takes a dim view of human nature. 她对人性持悲观看法。Answering emails takes up most of my time.回复电子邮件占用了我大部分时间。Let's play one more round. Winner takes all. 我们再打一局,此局胜者为王。He takes after his mother/his mother's side of the family.他很像他母亲/他母亲家的人。




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