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词汇 take risks
例句 His competitiveness impels him to take risks.他的争强好胜驱使他冒险。I have to take risks in my job.做我这种工作要冒许多风险。Some people are afraid to take risks because their belief in their own worthiness is so low.有些人害怕冒险, 因为他们妄自菲薄。Wearing helmets gave cyclists a false sense of security and encouraged them to take risks.戴头盔给骑自行车的人一种错误的安全感,怂恿他们去冒险。Those who do take risks often reap the rewards.那些真的去冒险的人经常会得到回报。They have shown a reluctance to take risks.他们显得不情愿去冒险。You'll never make big money unless you're prepared to take risks.除非你准备好冒险,否则你永远挣不到大钱。It was not in his nature to take risks.去冒险不是他的本性。Adolescents are more apt to take risks than adults are.青少年比成年人更喜欢冒险。You have to be prepared to take risks in this kind of work.做这种工作你必须准备好承担风险。They would never allow their precious progeny to take risks.他们永远不会允许自己心爱的子女冒险。They show no disposition to take risks.他们没有表现出冒险的意愿。We do not expect untrained people to take risks.我们不主张未受过培训的人员去冒险。Managers use a full arsenal of motivational techniques to get employees to take risks.管理者运用各种激励措施使雇员勇于冒险。They show no disposition to improvise or to take risks.他们不愿意临时凑合或冒险。Don't be afraid to take risks.不要害怕冒险。




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