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词汇 take precautions
例句 To state the obvious, if we don't take precautions now, we'll suffer for it later.说句明摆着的话,如果我们现在不采取预防措施,以后会吃苦头的。You'd better take precautions in case there's an inspection.你最好小心谨慎以防检查。It is logical to take precautions.采取防范措施是合乎常理的。Every home owner should take precautions against fire.每个房主都应采取预防措施,防止火灾发生。The banks take precautions to prevent any attempts at industrial espionage while confidential documents are on the premises.银行里都有机密文件,所以他们采取预防措施以防任何商业间谍活动。Tourists should take precautions as they would in any large city, and should avoid traveling alone at night.游客应当有所防备,像在任何大城市一样,也应当避免夜间单独外出。You must take precautions when walking around, as the village has many rabid dogs.四处走动时,你得很小心,因为村里有许多疯狗。




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